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Explore All Football Collections
Football or soccer is a sport with a long history. Though there are many descriptions of the game being played in China, Japan, Greece, etc. the widely accepted story of football starts in England in the years 12th century. Rugby played in England was violent in nature and unlike the football of today involved the use of fists. Because of this violent nature which resulted in the destruction of property and even death sometimes, the sport was banned in some countries for a brief period of time.
The 19th century saw the emergence of Football as an international sport with distinct rules and the establishment of FIFA. Today, 211 teams participate in the qualification round for the coveted FIFA World Cup.
One major reason for the success of Football would be the ease of playing the sport. Grab a ball and you’re good to go. With professional football, you need a range of equipment to keep yourself safe while playing such as guards, knee supports, etc. Get ready to hit the ground with Decathlon! Buy our range of football and football equipment online.
How to get ready for a game of football?
To play football, all you need is a football, but to get the maximum fun out of it and stay safe while playing, it’s better to play with the right gear. The important gear required to play football are:
Football: A durable and well-stitched football is necessary to enjoy the game and have a pleasant experience while playing. When buying a football, be sure of the size of the football, the material of the bladder, the durability and most importantly, the price of the ball. When getting a football, also remember to get a football pump to fill up air whenever required.
Football Shoes: Football shoes or football boots are a must-have when playing football. This piece of gear not only helps in safeguarding your feet when playing but also plays an important role in your performance. Everything from the power of the kick to the angle the ball moves in, all depends on the football shoes one has.
Football Jersey: A football jersey or a football t-shirt is the clothing piece for your upper body when playing football. Though jersey is paid little or no attention to when not playing professionally, it acts as a protective layer in case of a falling down during the game. A football jersey is also the differentiating factor between the two teams who play and different colour jerseys help in easy identification of teammates.
Football Shorts: Like football jerseys, football shorts are also a protective layer in the event of skidding on the ground and more importantly, helps in identifying your teammates when playing because, passing the ball to the wrong player would be frustrating, right?
Guards: When playing football, two areas of your body that are always at risk of injuries are knees and ankles. To keep them safe and have pleasant football experience, its better to get knee guards, ankle braces and shin guards. This football equipment would reduce the chances of dislocation.
Football Bag: A football bag or a football backpack is your companion to carry around all your football equipment. A good football bag is one that’s big enough to carry your gear, easy to carry and durable to tolerate all that’s thrown at it.
Goalkeeper Gear: Football Goalkeeper gloves are a piece of equipment meant only for the goalkeepers in football. A good glove provides good padding and gives the necessary support to protect your hands from injury when playing. If you play on grounds where you don’t have a defined football goal post, invest in our goal posts that are portable.
Buy Football and other equipment from Decathlon online store today!